Histon Manor’s First foray into a Village Show

Histon Manor hosted its inaugural Village and Dahlia Show on Sunday 11th September in aid of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices. Over 800 visitors came to see the amazing display of the 100 dahlia entries from local gardeners in the three chosen classes Single Bloom, Triple Bloom and Floral arrangement. It had been a tough year for dahlias after the long drought but the submissions kept on coming and the dahlia display was dazzling. Peter Wilson, RHS Wisley Montague Cup winner, was the Head Judge for the day and had a thoroughly enjoyable time deciding on the winners and passing on tips on growing prize winning dahlias  to visitors.

Visitors also had the opportunity to sit and sample home-made cakes (which were kindly donated from the baking competition),whilst listening to Jazz by the well-known Sara Morrison Quartet in the East Garden. The cakes were expertly judged by Head Baker, Lucy Robinson from Stir Cafe.

The event incorporated gardening talks from Cambridgeshire flower farmers Lindsey Clark and Debbie Richards. Richard Gant, Head Gardener of Madingley Hall , advised on how to create late summer interest in the garden whilst and Bridget Davidson of Wild Rosamund Florists showed the audience how to great floral arrangements from foraged flowers and plants.

The number of entries and the turn out on the day was amazing. £2900.00 was raised for EACH and the atmosphere was fabulous.

Histon Manor has had a long history of hosting Village Shows dating back to the 1800s during the original Sumpter ownership. This was then carried on in the 1890s by William Peed and the subsequent owners, the Harding family, in the 1900s. Excerpts from the Cambridge local press in the 1920s declared ‘Never before has the picturesque old Manor Grounds at Histon been the scene of such a brilliant function when a fashionable Garden party was given by the High Sheriff for the County, Colonel Harding, last Thursday afternoon. The large and distinguished company numbered over 200 guests and elaborate preparations had been made by Mrs and Mrs Harding for their visitors. The weather was not all that could have been wished for as at intervals slight showers occurred to the discomfiture of the smartly dressed ladies. Fortunately, a large marquee, sumptuously upholstered by Mssrs Eaden Lilley and Co.), had been erected which afforded a timely shelter. The floral decorations of the marquee. which gave the appearance of a grand drawing room. were entrusted to Messrs Elsdon and Co. of Milton and had a charming effect. The famous Blue Hungarian Band was in attendance and discoursed one of the choicest of programmes. Well known society entertainers from London has also been engaged and their refined amusing contributions were much enjoyed.’’

For further community events please see https://www.histonmanor.com/community-events



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